I hated waking early as a kid! Didn’t we all?

It was the worst time of the day for me waking at 5am to go to a school I hated or 7am to go to church, practicing a religion I did not believe in.

But I did not despise waking early just for those reasons, it was also because I was not a morning person. Even if I went to bed early enough and got a full night’s rest, I always felt tired and demotivated to start my day early.

This continued through my teenage years and even into adulthood. I generally go to bed around 1 or 2am, which means if I want to get a good night’s sleep, I will be waking around 9 or 10am. By this time it is midmorning and the day is in full swing. Wall Street has opened and birds are having brunch after a lot of early morning chirping.

The time just before dawn contains the most energy of all hours of the day. This has helped me become an early riser and an early doer…. When I wake to see that it’s light out already, I feel the world has started without me.
~Terri Guillemets

This changed for a while when I had my business however, and I had to resort to early morning risings to get the job done. Getting out of a warm, cosy bed to hit the frigid winter streets of NYC by 5am. Unlike going to school or church, this provided a different feeling. I was working on my dream, doing something I was passionate about. Hence, I felt as if my early rising was helping me achieve something and not leaving me deprived. When my business closed last year, I resorted to late morning starts to my days again, leaving me less time in the day to get things done.

Over the past few weeks however, I have started to rise early again, because I am working on a new project that has me filled with excitement and passion. Hence, I realized this trend…

The Ahah Moment!

Whenever I am doing what I want, following my dreams, and accomplishing my goals, waking early is not an issue. It is almost like I have a built in alarm every morning that says “Get the fuck up at 6:30am.”

But…take away that motivation, that drive, and that enthusiasm and replace it with the despair of an unfulfilling 9-5 job for example, and I am left feeling depressed, stressed and demotivated. Which, in turn affects how I feel about getting out of bed in the mornings.


I have come to the conclusion that no matter how many articles you read on “the best ways to start your day” or “how to become a morning person,” if your day will not be filled with something you are passionate about, you will resent mornings and worship day ends.

Your mornings will be empty and gloomy even on beautiful day. You will feel lost, not because you are sick, tired, or broke, but because you are doing something you hate. You are wasting your days doing a job you despise, associating with negative people, not enjoying and appreciating the simple things in life, or being too fearful of taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone.


The key to becoming an early riser even on a damn Sunday first starts with passion and enthusiasm. An excitement about life, achieving your goals, and pushing your boundaries to reach greatness. Not by drinking coffee, going to bed on time (true passion does not have a bed time) or exercising. That is a load of crap!

Find something you are zealous about, and even if you are the worst morning person ever, you will see how quickly that changes.

Are you an early riser, and if you are, why?

One Love,

Dave Anthony

Posted by:Dave Anthony

I am a Jamaican born Entrepreneur living in the United States. Adventurous, writer, weird, down to earth. Here I write about interesting stuff that educates, thrills and influences.

12 replies on “I Have Found the Key to Becoming an Early Riser

  1. New fan here! Love this post and I intend to keep working my way through more. The couple of things I’ve read on your page so far have echoed my exact thoughts far more elegantly and eloquently than I could ever express them, or have been exactly what I’ve been needing to hear. Thank you, and keep up the great work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate it and glad to know that I could offer some insight into your personal experience and sum it all up for you. One Love and I will check out your blog as well. 😊👍

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      1. It’s barely begun and I have a limited idea of what direction it’s going to go – I imagine after some time it will probably evolve into something I hadn’t even thought about, but I’m always happy to receive thoughts and feedback! I enjoy others perspectives and opinions on the same subjects I have an interest in, and was elated to come across your posts as what I’ve seen so far is so relatable and your attitude so similar that reading your thoughts felt as if we were having a conversation over coffee. I’m not sure if that’s what makes good reading for others, but for myself I can tell you it’s an immediate hook 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Agreed. I’m not a morning person. I tend to stay up wayyy too late. But I’m excited to get up early before work so that I have plenty of time to meditate, journal, and schedule tweets related to my blog. These things I’m excited to do and do them over tea. When it comes time to actually get ready for work, I’ve been up a couple hours, but it feels like I’ve just gotten up – I drag my feet so much. But I’m working on that. Working daily on that. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Waking early is not the easiest to do and it takes some getting used to. However, a few days of practicing always gets you in the groove. Apparently having to go to work is the part you hate and not having to wake early. Hopefully one day your work will be your passion so you won’t feel that way. One Love. 🙂


  3. Reblogged this on Thoughts and commented:

    I awoke at about 11:00 am again this morning knowing that my goal was to wake up at 7:00 am. I decided to go onto WordPress and find an article to read that matches what I am going thru and I found The UnSchool “I Have Found the Key to Becoming an Early Riser.”
    I cannot seem to see my gift, my passion. I am trying to find it but it is elusive. I am blind to it for now.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Whats your new project that is helping you get up early? You said, ” Over the past few weeks however, I have started to rise early again, because I am working on a new project that has me filled with excitement and passion. “

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi James. I am not ready to disclose the project I’m working on at the moment, but when it is ready to launch, you guys will be one of the first to know. One Love!


  5. That’s such a GREAT point!! I’m not an early riser either, but now that I’ve got my first new business I’m starting to feel like that too! Thanks for articulating that feeling for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome. Glad I could do that for you. The excitement of making something of your own will drive you and give you a rush everyday, even when pressure strikes. You will not want to waste precious time idling in bed if you are doing something you love. Bless.

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